3 Steps to Match for Adoption on Social Media

Are you hoping to adopt and wondering just how you might be able to make the process faster or more affordable? Self-matching could be your answer. There are no guarantees that self-matching will reduce the time spent waiting or the overall cost of your adoption. Still, in today's world, there are more opportunities to match privately than ever before, and you might as well put some effort into matching on your own. Self-matching cannot speed up your process or reduce your costs if you don't try it. What have you got to lose?

According to a study by the University of Maine, social media usage has grown 12.5% year-over-year since 2015. With more people online than ever before, social media is a great tool to try and find your match. It's what worked for us!

On January 1, 2022, my husband and I started a Facebook page and Instagram account to try and match on social media. We were just beginning the adoption process and decided to try self-matching first. It took a few months until we really got consistent with posting but by the spring, we were posting every day on both platforms, and in early July, an expectant mother reached out to us on Facebook. By mid-August, we were matched and got to be at the hospital when our son was born in November, less than 11 months after we started our journey.

What's the secret, you ask? Well as I said before, there are no guarantees but there certainly are some best practices for building a social media profile that will get attention. If you're interested in trying to match for adoption on social media, follow the steps below to get started:

Those are the top three steps I recommend (outside of a lot of prayer) to get started on your journey to self-matching on social media. Have you tried these tips? How are they working for you? Reach out on Instagram or at thehelfulhap@gmail.com to let me know! Happy matching!

*Disclaimer: You should NOT ask for shares on every post! Learn more about this on my Instagram @TheHelpfulHAP